I don't know if any of you others noticed that nearly everyone that spoke up at Dad's birthday party mentioned something about his hands. It's interesting how much you can tell about someone by observing their hands. Even hand shakes can tell you alot about a person. I teach the adult sunday school class at our church and we're talking about how salvation does more than just provide forgiveness of sin and freedom from the penalty of it. It changes (or at least should change) the way that we look at and respond to the social injustices in the world. Our hands may be folded in thankful prayer to God for the salvation that we have graciuosly received from Him, but do they come the the aid of the poor and homeless of not only our own neighborhood but around the world. Do they intervene in situations where the weak and helpless are being abused, misused or even slaughtered (abortion). Jesus, when referring to the tongue, said that blessing and cursing were often spoken by the same person. This is not right. But do our hands do any different? With them we freely accept the blessings and gifts that come to us - often undeserved - but when confronted with the opportunity to help those who are less fortunate than we are, they often close up tight. This picture is of Dad's and Ashley's hands. I think we can all say that Dad's hands were one's that were often bruised and bleeding from the hard work and sacrafice that was made for others, especially his family. I hope that one day I might be remembered for my hands and that they were filled with compassion, caring, and justice for the less fortunate.
This is just one of the things that God is challenging me with.